Later, we press Delete or Shift + Delete to delete them permanently. In the event that there are several folders, we can use Shift and Ctrl to select several at the same time. It only works in pure HTML, so won’t read a CSS stylesheet, but for checking straightforward HTML pages out, it is very useful indeed.

It allows you to view your work in an HTML page to see if it all looks nice.

We select the folders of the plugins that you want to remove. HTML Preview is another useful Notepad++ plugin for both writers and coders. To do this, we open the File Explorer and go to the path where we have saved them. In the event that we have installed them manually, we must remove them in the same way. Select the checkbox next to the plugin and click. Select the Available tab and scroll down to the hex editor plugin that you downloaded. From the Plugins menu, select Plugin Manager and then Show Plugin Manager. Once this is done, click on the Delete button and the removed add-ons will be placed back in the Available tab, so that we can reinstall them at any other time. Then, open the Notepad++ application and go to the Plugins menu. Here, we check the boxes corresponding to the plugins we want to remove, being possible to remove more than one at a time, just by checking them. In the new window we click on the Installed tab. You can find Notepad++ thong in the following online shops, as well mugs and apparels. We open Notepad++ and click on the Plugins tab and then click on Manage Plugins. This is one of the most asked question in the forums. We can carry out this process without fear, because, even if we uninstall it, it does not prevent us from being able to install it again later, if we need it again, following the previous steps. From the Notepad++ plugin manager itself we can uninstall those plugins that we have installed from it, since those that we have installed manually will also need to be removed in the same way.