
How to make a mirc bot
How to make a mirc bot

how to make a mirc bot

You can put a lower number in here if you want to redisplay some entries. from FTPServerTools.ini) that has displayed. This is the number of the last line in the upload file (LogFile=.

how to make a mirc bot

You can also put multiple words in there. If you would not fill it in you would get an announcement like The words that will be removed from the directory name that is being used to announce. The maximum number of lines to display in one sweep, you may need this to avoid being kicked from the channel due to flooding. The amount of seconds to wait before checking the logfilesize and announcing new releases. The channel in which you want to announce. If you do not know the accurate name of your network then type go to the channel you want to announce in and type //echo $network The reply is what you need to type in. The directory where FTPServerTools.ini is. What you need to fill in and what it means is mentioned below. Then go to the Settings Start submenu and simply start the sitebot. Just go to the Settings submenu and fill them in. Now you will have a channel menu entry called SiteBot. To unload use: /unload -rs sitebot.mrc or simply unload it via the Tools->Remote->File->Unload menu. Do let is use the initialisation commands, if you don't then it does not work. Now load the script either by typing /load -rs sitebot.mrc or by loading the script via the menu Tools->Remote->File->Load->Script then choose sitebot.mrc. First you should join the network and channel in which you want to make announcements.

how to make a mirc bot

To get it to work you must have mirc 6.0 or up. The mIRC script is a simple script with nothing special in it.

How to make a mirc bot